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Vyacheslav Futorny

Vyacheslav Futorny,巴西科学院院士,南方科技大学讲席教授,2018年国际数学家大会上45分钟报告人,主要研究领域为表示理论、李理论、不变量理论、量子群和顶点代数及其在数学物理中的应用,发表学术论文150多篇,被引用800多次。


1995 - Habilitation, Kiev University, Ukraine.
1987 - Ph.D. in Mathematics , Kiev University, Ukraine.
1983 - Diploma with excellence in Mathematics, Kiev University, Ukraine



02/2023 - Chair Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology

11/2005-02/2023- Full Professor, University of S?ao Paulo, Brazil;

05/1998-11/2005 - Associate Professor, University of S?ao Paulo, Brazil;

02/2003-01/2004 - Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney, Australia;

03/1998-06/1998 - Visiting Professor, Utah State University, Logan, USA;

09/1997-02/1998 - Visiting Professor, University of S?ao Paulo, Brazil;

09/1996-12/1996 - Visiting Research Professor, Carleton University and University of Ottawa, Canada;

06/1995-08/1997 - Associate Professor, Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine;

01/1994-05/1995 - Adjunct Visiting Associate Professor, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada;

01/1992-12/1993 - NSERC International Fellow at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada;

01/1991-06/1991 - Postdoc Fellow, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway;

09/1986-12/1991 - Assistant Professor, Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine.



? Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (since 2015)

? Invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (2018)

? CRM Distinguished Lecture, "Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics", Ottawa,Canada (2019)

? Member of the Scientifific Latin-American Council representing Brazil (since 2017)

? Member of the Scientifific Committee in Mathematics of the National Research Council of Brazil (2013–2015)

? NSERC International Fellowship at Queen's University, Canada (1992-1993)

? Editor in Chief of the S?ao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2014–2018);

? Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Algebra and its Applications (since 2017);

? Member of the Editorial Board of the Ukrainian Math. Journal (since 2017);

? Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Visnyk of Kiev University" (since 2018);

? Member of the Postgraduate Committee of the Federal University of Amasonas, Manaus, Brazil (since 2016);

? Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Ensaios em Matem?atica" (since 2016);

? Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "S?ao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences"(2005–2014);

? Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Algebra and Discrete Mathematics" (since 2002);

? Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Quaestiones Mathematicae";

? Member of the organizing committee of the international conference "Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications-VIII", Chengdu, China (2020);

? Member of the organizing committee of Brazil-France Mathematics Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2019);

? Member of the organizing committee of the international conference "Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications-VII", Cusco, Peru (2018);

? Member of the organizing committee of Satellite Workshop of ICM-2018 in Mathematical Physics,ICTP (2018);

? President of the organizing committee of the international conference "Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications-VI", Natal, Brazil (2017);

? Member of the organizing committee of the session "Representations of Lie algebras", MCA-2017, Montreal, Canada (2017);

? Member of the organizing committee of the session "Lie groups and their representations", Latin-American colloquium in Algebra, Quito, Equador (2017);

? Member of the organizing committee of the international conference "Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications-V", Bento Gon?calves, Brazil (2015).